Mar 17, 2015

Wonderful DIY Cute Hedgehog Planter from Plastic Bottle

This hedgehog planter is so cute ! Make a few of them to Decorate your garden, What a creative idea !
Craft knife
Black Sharpie or spray paint
Empty drink bottle
2 black buttons
2 bobby pins or twist ties
Hot glue gun
Spool of tan or grey garden twine (or any color twine and grey spray paint)
Potting soil
Succulents or cacti to fill your planter
  1. Plug in your hot glue gun and if you’re using it, your heated craft knife, to warm.
  2. Use a clean plastic drink bottle with smooth sides. Remove the label from your bottle.
  3. Color the cap with a black Sharpie or spray paint.
  4. Cut an opening in your bottle. I drew a rectangle in Sharpie so you can see how large I made
    mine. You can use a plain craft knife as shown in the materials photo, but a hot knife makes plastic cutting much easier.
  5. Cut off the colorful plastic ring and if desired, the lip of clear plastic it rests against.
  6. Apply a 1/2″ bead of hot glue just below the bottom thread of the screw top. Add the twine, being careful not to burn yourself.
  7. Add beads of glue on either side of the bottle a little at a time and wrap the twine around, keeping each wrap close to the previous wrap.
  8. Continue gluing and wrapping. As the bottle widens, glue at several points to keep twine in place.
  9. When you get to the bottle opening, you have a choice. You can either stop applying twine, cut and glue down the end, or continue as follows. If you stop, the brown soil will show through, but not be very noticeable if you nestle your planter in the mulch or grass.
  10. Make about 20 3/8″ cuts along the sides of the opening.
  11. Bring twine up, slide through slit, wrap around back, and bring through the next slit to the front. Bring twine under bottle to other side and repeat. Repeat until you reach the end of the opening.
  12. Fold down the plastic tabs created by the slits toward the inside of the bottle. Apply a thick bead of glue on the inside of the opening to help secure the loops of twine.
  13. Keep wrapping and gluing as described in step 7 until you have completely covered your bottle.
  14. Poke or cut a few holes in the bottom of your planter for drainage, and two for your hedgie’s eyes.
  15. Run your bobby pins or twist ties through your buttons. Push the ends through the holes for the eyes.
  16. Screw on the cap when it’s dry.
  17. Add soil and plants, and find the perfect hedgehog habitat, whether indoors or out. If using indoors, be sure to put a tray or saucer underneath.
Different bottles and plants offer many possibilities for a variety of hedgies. You could use also cut off the screw top of the bottle and glue on a large button for a smaller nose. I just used what I had on hand, but if you don’t mind buying things specifically for this project you have more options.

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