Mar 17, 2015

How to build garden steps

Step 1
Start by marking out your site using a builder’s line and pegs. Fix two parallel lines down the length of the slope to mark the outer edge of the steps, and two more to mark the top and bottom. Use a builder’s square to check that the corners form a right-angle.
To work out how many treads and risers you need, you’ll need to measure the vertical height and horizontal distance of your flight of steps. Knock in a peg to mark the back of the highest tread, then hold one end of a long spirit level (or a level and straightedge) at the top of the peg. Ask someone to help you measure the horizontal distance to the first riser, as well as the vertical distance to the ground at that point.
Divide the vertical height by your riser height and use the tread-riser combinations chart to find the tread length you need. Strip away any turf in the marked-out area with a spade.

Step 4

Use lines to mark the back of the treads – making sure you set back an extra 50mm or so to give you enough room to work. Then roughly shape the steps with a spade. You’ll need to leave enough depth beneath the concrete slab treads for 100mm of hardcore.

Step 5

Dig a trench about 125mm deep for the footing for the first riser. Drive in pegs levelled with a spirit level to mark the surface of the footing before you pour in the concrete. If you’re going to have a paved surface leading to the steps, then dig a deeper footing and lay one or two courses of engineering bricks on top of it, below ground level. You’ll then be able to lay your paving right up to the first riser.
 Step 6
Concrete the footing, making sure the surface is level with your pegs. Then leave it to dry for 24 hours before you build on it.

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